Tinderbox Weekend SF
Stacey Mason

After an exciting weekend in San Francisco (followed by a redeye home and a fair bit of jet lag) we have finally returned to Eastgate with tales from Tinderbox Weekend.
The talks were varied and interesting, with wide-ranging topics. I gave an overview of using Tinderbox in lightweight applications; a popular example of using Tinderbox to keep up with my teenage sister’s changing social life.
Tom Webster gave a wonderful talk on Tinderbox and qualitative research, and demonstrated a creative method for using agents and adornments in organizing data. Dr. Jonathan Leavitt’s talk on integrating Tinderbox with the iPhone covered ways to build an iPhone-accessible Web site as well as some interesting iPhone apps that work well with Tinderbox, and Mark Anderson’s talk on export ranged from the basics of text and HTML export to more complicated examples like exporting to Keynote.
Weekend-goers were also offered a sneak peak at Tinderbox 5 and its cool new features, as well as a look at Twig, an upcoming lightweight tool that specializes in capturing and organizing information and that will be great for students and beginners.
The talks were impressive, but more important was the terrific caliber of the participants: intelligent, cultured, Tinderbox users from an amazing variety of backgrounds—from data management to theological studies. All had great ideas and even better questions, and inspirations for new Tinderbox facilities.
Back at Eastgate, we’re working on demos and screencasts from the weekend; we’ll have more details shortly.